Create a New Campaign

You can use Great AEP to invite people to meet with you for a specific reason such as an enrollment period or 65th birthday. For each of these meeting types, you'll want to create a campaign.

What is a campaign?

A campaign combines invitation emails and SMS messages, an online appointment setting page, reminder emails for appointments, and a the contacts you want to reach out to. 

Creating a Campaign

To create a new campaign, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Great AEP account at

2. Once signed in, click on "Campaigns"

3. Then, select "New Campaign"

4. Finally, compete the setup screen and save your campaign by filling out the following: 

TEMPLATES: Optionally choose a pre-built template for your campaign

NAME: Give the campaign a name

DESCRIPTION: Write a short description of the campaign. This is shown on the scheduling page

TYPE: Choose between the following:

  • Enrollment Campaign: These campaigns have a start and stop date within an enrollment period
  • Generic Campaign: This is an ongoing campaign that does not have an end-date

JOINING INFO: Add conference services and locations where people can meet with you

DURATION: Set how long the appointment should be.

INVITATION STARTS AT: This is the first day that invitations will go out. Customers added before this date will not get their first invitations until this date arrives.

BOOKING STARTS AT/BOOKING ENDS AT: For enrollment campaigns, use these to set the window where people can meet with you.

BUFFER: Reserve space before or after appointments to avoid back-to-back appointments.

ALLOW SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS: Check this to allow people to schedule an appointment that day. 

ADDITIONAL ATTENDEE INFORMATION: Selecting these will gather additional information from your attendees. 

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