Uploading Contacts

The best way to get a large number of contacts into Great AEP is to import a file. Your CRM system should allow you to export your contacts to an Excel or CSV file that you can then upload (after making a few changes) to Great AEP. Here's how you do it:

1. Select "Campaigns" from the top navigation.    

2. Find the campaign that you want to add the contact to and click on the "contacts" link next to that campaign.

3. If there are no contacts in the campaign yet, you'll see a blue "New Contact" button in the middle of the screen. If you already have contacts, you'll see a list of contacts the "New Contact" button is toward the top right.

4. Select CSV/Excel from the "New Import" file

5. Download the sample file shown (you can also download it here).

6. You need to make the column headers and order match the sample file. To do so:

  • Open the file you want to import and the sample file
  • We find it easiest to copy from your file into our sample file, one column at a time. Remove the sample data below the column names, and then copy the first name, last name, email, and phone numbers into the sample file. 
  • The file you want to import should have four columns with these labels in this order:
    • first_name
    • last_name
    • email
    • phone_number
  • Make sure the column names match exactly and there are no additional columns of data

7. Save the file you want to upload either as an Excel (.xls) file or CSV (.csv) file

8. On the Great AEP import screen, click on "upload file" and then browse to select the file you want to upload

9. Give the upload a name - this could be a description of the contacts, the source of contacts, or something else that helps you keep track of the upload.

10. Agree to the permission to contact and then select "Create Import"

From here, Great AEP will upload the file and import your contacts. We will check for duplicates and notify you when the import is complete. If there are errors with the import, you'll be able to see how many were uploaded vs errored and you can download a list of all of the errors. 

A few notes about importing:

  • Great AEP will remove duplicates
  • Each email address can only be used once
  • A contact must have a phone number or email address in order to import
  • We will check to make sure the email and phone number are valid

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