Set Your Availability

To customize the dates and times that you are available to meet during AEP:

Step 1 - Go to Campaigns, then click on View.

Step 2 - Click on Availability Rules to view your calendar

Step 3 - Change the hours of the day that you want to appear in the availability calendar

By default, we show availability from 8 am to 6 pm. If you want to expand this range, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the calendar. 

Step 4 - Go to the calendar and adjust the days that you work

  • Click on the start time and drag your mouse over the time slot/s you are available to make it green.
  • To turn off the times available, simply click on the time slot/s to make it open.

Step 5 - When done, be sure to it SAVE

This will copy times for each week throughout the entire AEP session.

Note: If there is a specific day that you want to make sure is blocked, put it in the calendar you synchronize with so you will not show the slot as open when somebody books a slot with you.

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